Fee Policy

Free Services for the Low-Income:

Free Services: As a non-profit social services agency, Xilin Association’s programs serve mainly low income and under-served individuals and families with no charge, currently that comprise 99% of the program participants.

Income-Based Discount:

Purposes: The set forth guidance is developed to accommodate individuals/families who need services and are subject to financial responsibilities.

The following fee schedule will only apply to individuals and families who are disqualified for free services according to the listed guidance.

Guidance: The fee schedule is developed based on the nature of the service, the available funds, the unit cost to Xilin Association, and the income level of the individual/family.

1. Adult Day Services: Individuals with no Medicaid waiver status, the daily rate is $90 dollars.

2. In-Home Services: Individuals with no Medicaid waiver status, In-Home Care program service rate per hour is $28-$30/per hour. This program shares the same rules and discount as that in the Adult Day service. (Please review #1)

3. Chinese School Classes & After School: Children of the family with a monthly income as listed below, participation in classes offered by Xilin Association is free and Xilin will assist the family to apply for the for assistance from the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) through the Illinois Department of Human Services.

Family size
Monthly Income
2 $2,874
3 $3,620
4 $4,367
5 $5,114
6 $5,860
7 $6,607
8 $7,354

All fee schedules will be subject to change yearly in order to reflect the cost-of-living adjustments, inflations and Xilin Association’s financial condition.

Disclaimer: Xilin Association serves people in needs, not based on their color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or military status, in any of its activities or operation.

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