

POSSIBILITY IN UNITY – XILIN ST. ANTHONY COMMUNITY CENTER LET’S JOIN HANDS To create a multi-functional center that benefits communities while preserving culture, history, and architecture! FUNDRAISING GALA Date: September 14th, Saturday Time: 5:00 pm – 10:30 pm Address: 518 W. 28th Place, Chicago, IL 60616 Raffle Ticket: $20 Admission: $150 Tel: 630.355.4322 Email: [email protected] […]

Free Financial Workshop

Free Financial Workshop: Across the globe, Xilin Welcoming Center commits to supporting refugees, new arrivals and welcoming them to our neighborhoods. In June, please join us for the series financial literacy to learn the base financial system in the United States. Please click the title above for more details. Speakers will include: • Pauline Chin, […]

Xilin Senior Lunch at China Buffet

XILIN SENIOR LUNCH GRAND OPENING Xilin Senior Lunch at China Buffet The long-awaited senior congregate meal is planned to open on June 1st, 2023. People over 60 years old are invited to the China Buffet senior lunch! Open Hours: 11:30am – 1:30pm Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Except Holidays Location: China Buffet Restaurant 230 W. […]

Caregiver Job Opening

Xilin Association Caregiver Job Opening: Please click on the Title above for more details. Job Description: Follow instructions and perform activities assigned by his/her supervisor. Duties: 1. Follow the client’s Plan of Care; 2. Carry out duties assigned by the supervisor; 3. Observe the client’s functioning and reporting to the homecare supervisor; 4. Provide necessary […]

Senior Resources Information

COMMUNITY HOUSING & SENIOR RESOURCES: FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: TERESA MEDINA 630-943-3979 OR SANDRA DIAZ 773-571-0411. Click on the Senior Resources Information Title above for more details and all other information.  


在美华人办健在证? 来希林看看!  中国驻芝加哥总领事馆将于4月25日,开展进社区办证活动。为方便在美居住的中国离退休、退职年长侨胞办理 “健在证”, 将派出领馆工作人员前往位于 Blue Island的希林协会 ,现场协助长者办理。 健在确认表 活动具体时间、地点及安排如下: 4月25日(周三)  上午11时 至12时,希林协会(Blue Island) 耆老中心 地址:2530 S Blue Island Ave, Chicago, IL, 60608 联系人: 张经理 (Sueylee Chang) 电话: (312) 404-8502            希林提醒民众,请携带好填妥表格及相关证件前往。 (一)亲自申请: 1、填妥的《健在确认表》 一份。 2、申请人本人有效护照、美国合法居留证件和离退休证原件和复印件。             护照只复印个人资料页(含延期页)。 (二)委托申请:       1、2、 亲自申请材料及 3、代理人的有效护照、在美合法居留证件复印件。 4、申请人委托代理人办理健在证明的委托公证书。   5、连续3年委托他人或邮寄办理的,第4年应由申请人亲自到馆办理一次。   表格索取方式如下: 在线下载 办公点领取: 希林艺术学院(黄小姐)2352 S Wentworth Ave, Chicago, IL 60616